So now that November is here, I will admit that I am not overly optimistic about the weather. And the time-change has sure taken a whack at me :P I will admit that I do love waking up to the sun again, although I know that won't last for long!
This past week has been super crazy, prayers would be super appreciated for my grandfather, he has had some complications after his heart surgery this past Thursday!!
Let's see how those October goals went:
October Goals:
-post {something} every day of October, except Sundays. I already
decided I'm taking Sundays off and it won't be a large post every day
{I will guarantee you that lol!} but I'm hoping there will be something.
// yesss!! I did that! you can read them here
-run twice a week. once a week outside of my Wednesday runs with running-buddy :)
// well, um... I did run once a week, each week. but what with blogging every day, I didn't exactly have make time to run outside the weekly run with my running-buddy.
-make dinner at least once a week. this is something that I know helps my mom out a lot and it really gives me great practice :)
// I didn't exactly count, but I did make dinner quite a few times last month. yay!
-and uh, yes. keep working on that prayer thing.
//well, yes I did, although not so much as I would've liked to.
And this month:
November Goals:
-run/exercise 5 days/week. The sun keeps rising later and later leaving me with less and less time to run, so I may need to start doing my indoor workouts soon. My goal is to do it most mornings.
-count blessings. I've been counting gifts for a couple of years now. I find that some times I count regularly, habitually and other times more sporadically. Right now it's sporadic but I hope to change that because I can really notice the difference.
-goal #3. of course I had thought of another goal that I planned to make but forgot to write it down, so I will update this when I think of it. :P
And I just wanted to share with you a passage that I've really been focusing on lately: Matthew 6:25-34, with the verse that has stuck out to me the most being Matthew 6:33:
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
How about you? Have you set any goals this month? How did last month go for you?
Hey there friends! thanks for stopping by! This is the final post of my 31 Days series on Celebrating Life. If you'd like to see all the other posts so far, you'll find the introduction here or the posts all here :)
So I made it. I wrote every day in October {except Sundays}, on the topic of Celebrating Life. And I learned. so. much.
Please please please go and read the Chapter entitled 'Cold Tangerines' from Shauna Niequist's book Cold Tangerines, you can do that here {scroll down a little bit and it will show up in blue printing}. Because I tried to find a couple of paragraphs from this chapter to highlight and share here but I have to admit that the whole chapter is underlined in my copy. Actually, I highly recommend reading the entire book ;)
I've tried to figure out what exactly I want to accomplish with this official wrap-up conclusion. And it's been hard.
But I think I finally landed on something. I just want to encourage you {& me}. Encourage you to celebrate. Because it is so worth it. Even when it's hard.
Believe me, I know. When you get to the end of the day and you find yourself all snappy, and achy and tired, it's hard to celebrate.
When you're bored crazy, it's hard to celebrate. When you're sad, mad, disappointed, hurt, frustrated, it's hard to celebrate.
A lot of times, it's even hard to celebrate when life is going good and it's a great day.
Ouch. And that's the one I struggle with oh so often. Because I just let myself onto cruise control and it no longer matters if anything is worth celebrating, and nothing in my day has a real point, and I'm just breathing and moving but not really living.
And so when Shauna write this in her book, it resonates with me. It calls to deep within me and says, celebrate. Make that effort. Because tomorrow will soon be today and when you look back on what will be yesterday, will you wish you had lived more alive?
want a life that sizzles and pops and makes me laugh out loud. And I
don't want to get to the end, or to tomorrow, even, and realize that my
life is a collection of meetings and pop cans and errands and receipts
and dirty dishes. I want to eat cold tangerines and sing loud in the car
with the windows open and wear pink shoes and stay up all night
laughing and paint my walls the exact color of the sky right now. I want
to sleep hard on clean white sheets and throw parties and eat ripe
tomatoes and read books so good they make me jump up and down and I want
my everyday to make God belly laugh, glad that he gave life to someone
who loves the gift, who will use it up and wring it out and drag it
around like a favorite sweater." ~Shauna Niequist (Cold Tangerines)
And it's not about waiting to celebrate the big moments in life. It's not about waiting to become whoever or whatever it is you think you are becoming. It's about celebrating this very life that you have today.
"But this is what I'm finding, in glimpses and flashes: this is it. This is it, in the best possible way. That thing I'm waiting for, that adventure, that movie-score-worthy experience unfolding gracefully. This is it. Normal, daily life ticking by on our streets and sidwalks, in our houses and apartments, in our beds and at our dinner tables, in our dreams and prayers and fights and secrets - this pedestrian life is the most precious thing any of us will ever experience.
I believe that this way of living, this focus on the present, the daily, the tangible, this intense concentration not on the news headlines but on the flowers growing in your own garden, the children growing in your own home, this way of living has the potential to open up the heavens, to yield a glittering handful of diamonds where a second ago there was coal. This way of living and noticing and building and crafting can crack through the movie sets and soundtracks that keep us waiting for our own life stories to begin, and set us free to observe the lives we have been creating all along without even realizing it.
I don't want to wait anymore. I choose to believe that there is nothing more sacred or profound than this day. I choose to believe that there may be a thousand big moments embedded in this day, waiting to be discovered like tiny shards of gold. The big moments are the daily, tiny moments of courage and forgiveness and hope that we grab on to and extend to one another. That's the drama of life, swirling all around us, and generally I don't even see it, because I'm too busy waiting to become whatever it is I think I am about to become. The big moments are in every hour, every conversation, every meal, every meeting." ~Shauna Niequist, Cold Tangerines
And so today, I am encouraging you, calling you, appealing to you, pleading with you to please, open your eyes and intentionally look at all the beauty around you to celebrate.
"The world is alive, blinking and clicking, winking at us slyly, inviting us to get up and dance to the music that's been playing since the beginning of time, if you bend all the way down and put your ear to the ground to listen for it." ~Shauna Niequist, Cold Tangerines
Shall we?
complete post list:
{1} :: October Goals and Pre-Intro
{2} :: introduction
{3} :: beautiful
{4} :: tangible beauty
{5} :: today...
{6} :: Tunes Tuesday :: 10,000 Reasons
{7} :: we need it
{8} :: hidden beauty
{9} :: don't wait
{10} :: sleeping in
{11} :: laughter
{12} :: Tunes Tuesday :: Carrie Underwood
{13} :: 31 Days love
{14} :: in which I sort of tell you a story
{15} :: intention
{16} :: intention, part 2
{17} :: Today...
{18} :: Tunes Tuesday :: Something Beautiful
{19} :: intention, part 3
{20} :: the root of celebration
{21} :: believing it
{22} :: link love
{23} :: family {beautiful people}
{24} :: Tunes Tuesday
{25} :: celebrating when it's hard
{26} :: Today...
{27} :: quotes
linking up with Elizabeth :)