Wednesday, 30 July 2014

summer update :)

this week has been super amazing and super crazy and super exhausting so far! I'm volunteering at our VBS camp, which is called OASIS, and runs ALL day, so I'm there from 8-5, and we have swimming and stuff in the afternoon. :)

I have a bunch of 4-6 yos in my morning group and then 3 of them are my kids in the afternoon - they are so sweet! thankfully most of them are good listeners, but they sure need a lot of love and attention!!

next week I'm heading away to CYWAL, so there probably won't be a post later in the week, but I am hoping to get a Tunes Tuesday post scheduled :)

Are you doing any camps or VBSes this summer?

emma xoxo

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a wonderful summer Emma! We did VBS at the beginning of July, it was tiring but so much fun!
